Royal Servants
Summer mission trips are for teens and college students who have a desire to impact the world and experience more. Our trips are focused on discipleship and missions, 5 to 8 weeks long, and travel to locations all over the globe. We believe in students and want to see God use them in powerful ways. Join us this summer!
Where will you go?
Why Royal Servants?
For nearly 40 years, Royal Servants has been committed to seeing students significantly grow in their walk with Jesus. Our staff will help students construct a biblical worldview, deepen their understanding of Scripture, as well as train, equip, and enable them to be involved in an effective and culturally appropriate missions experience.
Longer trips with Purpose
Depending on the location, your mission trip will be five to eight weeks long. This gives you significant time to immerse yourself in and understand the surrounding culture. It also allows you more time in a Christ-focused, grace-filled environment where you can concentrate on developing your faith and growing deeper in your relationship with Christ.
On a mission trip, everything needs to flow from a solid biblical foundation. We will begin with spiritual training to anchor your understanding of the Bible, equip you with practical tools needed to communicate the Gospel effectively, and then teach you how to share your faith by weaving your personal testimony into communicating God’s story in a low-key, relational way.
Your Trip Leader works with relentless intentionality to make Royal Servants safe and encouraging: a place where there are no favorites and you can be accepted as yourself. They will make sure that in all of your training, travel, and ministry, you and your teammates won’t forget to laugh and have a lot of fun!
Qualified Leadership
Each team’s leadership is made up of experienced youth professionals, not simply individuals who volunteer to lead a trip. Royal Servants Trip Leaders are missionaries who raise support so they can lead students in a life-changing missions experience. They are models, teachers, counselors, and mentors who are committed to walking alongside students each step of the way.
Which role is for you?
Ages 13 - 18
(for those who are currently in school and want to participate in our program)
Ages 19+
(for those who have graduated high school and want to participate and not be put in a leadership position)
Ages 19+
(for those who have graduated high school and want to participate in a leadership capacity)