
This trip is no longer available but don't go anywhere. Check out our active teams! 
(There might be the perfect fit for you.)


This trip is no longer available but don't go anywhere. Check out our active teams! 
(There might be the perfect fit for you.)




This trip is not currently active, but don't go anywhere.

Nehemiah is a small, invitation only team composed of Royal Servants Alumni who have shown a hunger for God to use them in great ways. You've been called to use your God-given gifts to influence others and walk in who God has created you to be. We believe this is how God calls us to demonstrate leadership. Nehemiah is designed to develop each person’s unique spiritual strengths through training, teaching, and hands-on leading.

This year, Nehemiah will be returning to Taiwan and the Philippines, where you will have numerous opportunities to use and grow your unique gifts. Join us this summer and see how incredibly God will use you!

Nehemiah is a small team composed of Royal Servants Alumni who have shown a hunger for God to use them in great ways. When you use your God-given gifts to influence others and fully become the person God created them to be. We believe this is how God calls us to demonstrate leadership.


Students 13 - 18

June 11 - August 2
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Base Support: $
Spending Money: $
Total: $
International airfare, ground travel, lodging, ministry supplies, food, and training
Domestic travel
Passport and visa (if applicable)

Staff 19+

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Base Support: $
Spending Money : $
Total: $
International airfare, ground travel, lodging, ministry supplies, food, and training
Domestic travel
Passport and visa (if applicable)

Ages 15 - 22

June 11 - August 2
Learn More
Base Support: $
Spending Money: $
Total: $
International airfare, ground travel, lodging, ministry supplies, food, and training
Domestic travel
Passport and visa (if applicable)


Your ministry on the Nehemiah team will be taking the next step in serving by working alongside your team to craft, organize, and facilitate multiple VBS programs for children and teens throughout your time overseas. In addition to that, you’ll coordinate village outreach events, including street performances and door-to-door evangelism. Over the course of your trip, you will develop relationships with the people you’re ministering to and begin to make an impact in their lives for the Kingdom.


Personal development

Your personal development will go hand-in-hand with your spiritual development on your Nehemiah trip. You will be presented with situations that will challenge you in all areas. Is your Leadership Group tasked with getting the team from the Taipei airport to the ministry destination? It requires navigating the city’s subway system to the train station, purchasing tickets, locating the train, loading the team on, and making sure it gets off at the right station … in time to catch a bus for the next stage of the journey! This takes planning, communication, coordination, and more. 

Nehemiah is a long trip with a full schedule, and you will learn to rely on the Lord in a way you haven’t before. But God uses these tests to show you that He is faithful to give you what you need, without exception! You’ll experience God giving you strength, courage, patience, and perseverance to flourish on the team, as well as the ability to love one another in a truly life-changing way.

Another major focus of development is nurturing your spiritual growth. You will dive deeper into Scripture than your previous Royal Servants trip(s). By the end of the trip, we will have explored 18-21 books of the Bible. We want you to feel free to ask the hard questions - and when you go home, our goal and prayer are that you don’t see reading the Bible as a duty, but as a desire!

Team Dynamics


Nehemiah is a small team focused on developing leadership skills. You will play an important part in the dynamic of the team. You will rely on your teammates daily to do what needs to get done and learn how to work together in various environments. You will be placed in a Leadership Group with 2 to 3 other students. Your Leadership Group will be given various responsibilities during the trip; there will be times when you will be given the day – from breakfast until dinner – to lead the entire team. You’ll make announcements and arrange the schedule, complete with quiet time, lunch, ministry outreach, and more. It’s a lot harder than it sounds! From creating and facilitating the team’s ministry to navigating the complexities of travel logistics, you’ll do it all together with your Leadership Group. 

Does that sound intimidating? Don’t worry! You won’t be alone. Your team is led by Tom Ives and Holly Duke. Tom is President of Reign Ministries and has led over 50 teams. Holly is a mission pastor at her church with 22 years of missions/ministry experience. Together, they will come alongside you to encourage, train, mentor, and support you throughout the mission trip.

What are students saying about royal servants?

I was pushed out of my regular comfort zone, challenged in my faith, and had a whole lot of fun while doing it. From the people I met to the family I got to call my team to learning more about and growing my relationship with my homie (Jesus), I cannot express how thankful I am that God gave me this incredible opportunity.

Kylie W.
Europe, Kenya

I was shaped by the love and care that members on my Royal Servants teams showed me. The love and care that these people showered on me helped me to better understand God's love for me, and this has had a profound impact on my life.

Maddy S.
China, Nehemiah

I would recommend others to go because Royal Servants offers you an incredible, life-changing experience. From the intentionality of Training Camp, to witnessing the impact of ministry right in front of you—this mission trip will have you thinking about it for months.

Emma I.

the royal servants experience

While every Royal Servants Trip is different, there are some things that never change.

Intentional Discipleship

From Training Camp to debriefing, every aspect of our ministry is focused on discipling our students. Through small group discussions, large group teachings, and an extensive debriefing process, we want to ensure your student is not only emotionally prepared for a summer overseas but also that they are prepared to apply what they learn in the summer to their life at home.

It is important for our teams to start with a solid foundation before they embark overseas. At Training Camp, you will begin building relationships with your team, learn how to share the Gospel, and prepare for what life will look like overseas. You will leave Training Camp ready to face any challenge that may come your way.

Over the course of the summer, you will experience how transforming life in Christian community can be. Through daily quiet times and small group discussions, you will deepen your relationship with God. Through outreach, you will gain new understanding of God's heart for the world and the Church. Through being in community, you will learn how to love those around you.

After weeks packed full of ministry outreaches, you will transition into a week of debriefing. Going home after an intense summer ministry experience can be challenging emotionally and spiritually. Debriefing is a time of reflection about what you have experienced, seeking wisdom from God, and preparing for the challenges you might face going home.

Biblical Teaching

Throughout the summer, you will hear teachings on foundational Christian truths. Our biblical worldview is best described as historic Christianity, and we teach from a traditional perspective on morality and values that the church has held for over 2000 years. Refer to our Statement of Faith and make sure we are the right fit. On everything else, we encourage students to seek answers from their parents and local church community.


Royal Servants takes the safety and health of each participant seriously. We go to great lengths to ensure participants remain healthy and safe throughout the trip.

Therefore, no participant is allowed to be alone in any city; Royal Servants always travel in groups of three or more, and when possible, with either a male or Summer Staff in each group. The Trip Leaders also continually monitor conditions within the host country before and during the trip. The team will be moved to a stable location if a situation threatens the team's security, whether from political or environmental conditions.

Qualified Leadership

Royal Servants mission trips are led by Reign Ministries’ staff, not part-time volunteers. Our staff care deeply about students and see leadership as a privilege. Each staff member is intensively trained on how to connect with and lead students. They are fully engaged in every aspect of the mission trip, whether being involved in ministry, leading Bible studies, or just hanging out building relationships. They are intentional to ensure that each student is discipled beginning at Training Camp and through debriefing prior to returning home.


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