Why Short-Term Mission Trips Are Good For You
Hannah Henriksen

Are short-term mission trips good? Are short-term mission trips effective? What are the pros and cons?
People today have a million and one questions about short-term missions and whether or not they are helpful. Frankly, they are good questions to consider, but remember, there are nuances to every situation.
Short-term mission trips have a significant impact on those involved. Many people go on a mission trip to make a difference in the lives of others, but today, I would like to focus on the impact it has on you. Mission trips promote spiritual training, mission exploration, and personal development.
Spiritual Training
Like physical training, spiritual training requires repetition, the right environment, and community. My workout routine is, well, slightly pathetic. I am afraid of going to the gym, for fear of judgment. So, I stay home and occasionally watch workout videos on my TV. And as much as I would like to be able to do one 60-second plank and magically have a six-pack, it won't happen. I may eventually see some growth and change, but I should adapt if I want to take my physical training seriously. It is going to take me performing a variety of exercises regularly to notice a difference.
In the same way, a well-rounded and healthy spiritual life demands that we regularly engage in spiritual disciplines. Worship, prayer, Bible reading, service, fellowship, and other disciplines allow us to come to know God better and grow in our relationship with Him. Life is busy, and although we hate to admit it, finding time for God is sometimes like finding time to work out–challenging.
Short-term trips are a spiritually focused, grace-filled environment that cultivates growth and learning. They provide a unique opportunity for you to drop everything and focus on your relationship with God. By stepping out of your usual routine, you also create space for God to meet you in new ways.
Throughout your trip, you will be surrounded by a community of fellow believers. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul says, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” What Paul describes here is what I would call life-on-life discipleship, which is an essential aspect of any short-term mission trip. As you share in this experience, living and serving in close proximity, you and your team will form bonds unlike any other. You will support one another, pray for each other, and grow together.
Short-term trips are a spiritually focused, grace-filled environment that cultivates growth and learning.
Mission Exploration
How will you know if you don’t go? It may seem obvious, but short-term mission trips are a great way to explore what it looks like to be a missionary. An article by Mission Excellence explaining the role of short-term trips in fulfilling the Great Commission states that most long-term missionaries embark on several short-term trips before realizing their calling to long-term missions.
I would argue that short-term trips can provide that same kind of direction and purpose for individuals who pursue a different life mission as well. As you step out and experience the world around you and begin serving, you might discover a passion for a specific type of work. You might find that this once-unfamiliar place halfway across the globe is starting to feel a little like home. Or maybe you will meet individuals that quickly become friends and eventually your honorary long-distance family. The beautiful thing about short-term mission trips is that your involvement doesn’t have to end when the trip does.
Each of us has a role in the Kingdom of God. What will this look like for you? What gifts has He given you? What passions has He placed on your heart? Your short-term mission trip may not result in long-term vocational ministry, but it will show you how to serve God and support His Kingdom in whatever you do.
The beautiful thing about short-term mission trips is that your involvement doesn’t have to end when the trip does.
Personal Development
They say you never know what you are capable of until you try, and I couldn’t agree more. Short-term mission trips push you outside your comfort zone, move you to do hard things, and expose qualities you didn’t know you had. Before my first mission trip, I was an introverted homebody who lacked confidence. It took others challenging and believing in me to see what I was capable of. I had the fight in me, but I was afraid to pick up my sword.
At my core, I am still that same introverted homebody. It wasn’t about changing who I was but helping me recognize the gifts God has given me and showing me how to wield those gifts for His glory. My short-term mission experience released me from fear, gave me confidence, and encouraged me to take on leadership roles I otherwise would not have.
God has good plans for you. He has created you for a purpose, but we all have room for improvement. Maybe you ooze confidence but struggle to consider others. Maybe you grip tightly to control and need freedom from your toil and worry. Maybe God wants to help you understand the vastness of His Kingdom and creation. You are far more capable than you know, but are you willing to step out in faith and let Him begin refinement?
It wasn’t about changing who I was but helping me recognize the gifts God has given me and showing me how to wield those gifts for His glory.
Short-term mission trips matter. They impact the lives of those who go, helping them grow spiritually and realize their potential. However, I want to acknowledge that each church and short-term mission organization varies slightly in their practices. This blog was written from my personal experience participating in and leading trips with Royal Servants.
Royal Servants offers summer mission trips for teens and young adults. We believe in students and trust that God can and will use them to further His Kingdom. Our trips have a long-term impact on the students we take overseas because we encourage, disciple, and care for them well. We also believe that by partnering with missionaries and local believers, our trips can impact the lives of those we meet across the globe.
I highly encourage you to pray about your decision to go on a short-term mission trip and discern for yourself if it is good for you. However, trust me when I say that if you are willing, God can use this experience to significantly transform your life. I know this because He did it for me.
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