Tom Ives Regarding COVID-19
Tom Ives

Dear Royal Servants and Parents,
So much has happened since the last email I sent out regarding COVID-19. The country, pretty much the whole world, has changed in response to the virus. These are difficult times to navigate. Very difficult indeed.
It’s especially hard not knowing how long the virus will last, when people can return to work, what the economic damage will be, or how long it will take before things get back to feeling normal. It is especially hard for those who feel that knowing gives them a measure of control. I am one of those. I like knowing, planning and preparing; I want to understand what my options are! But for me it’s also a time of learning. It is a season of developing patience, of listening and trying to discern where the Lord is directing Reign Ministries in this, and it is also a time of learning how to wait.
Which brings me to the summer mission trips. Unfortunately, I believe the virus will still get worse in America and around the world. But then it will get better, but no one knows when. Therefore, I am going to postpone deciding whether or not to cancel our teams until mid-May. I am waiting and I would like to ask you to wait with me.
Why mid-May? By then we should know whether the curve has been flattened and if the coronavirus is diminishing. It will still be 7 weeks from when the teams would travel and we should know which countries are open and safe to minister in. May will also give participants time to raise support for their mission trip. Historically, in “normal” years, most participants wait until May (crunch time) to begin raising the majority of their support.
This brings me to my last topic: support. There are probably many potential donors who may not want to send in funds because they don’t want to lose the money if the trips are canceled. I understand. I want you to know that if the decision is made to cancel our mission trips, Reign Ministries will return all funds given to a participant signed up on Royal Servants for 2020. Funds can also be held over a year to be used for trips in 2021. But anyone who requests a refund in writing will receive a check for the amount they gave. So if we cancel, all support sent in for your mission trip, except the registration fee, can be refunded…every penny.
I pray that the Lord will keep you in His peace as you walk through this season and in whatever form of quarantine you find yourself in.
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