Through Their Eyes
Jeff Bell

After five weeks of being together, and just shy of a full month in Kenya - our “family” is on the way home today. We are about to land in Istanbul for a short layover and then it is back to Chicago!
The trip home from Royal Servants is always filled with mixed emotions. Students are excited to go home, but sad to leave their friends that they have grown so close to and experienced so many things with over the last five weeks.
As I reflect on our time together, one word keeps coming up - “GRATITUDE”.
Gratitude for new friends, the believers we met and worked with in Nairobi. Gratitude for each of our students and how they embraced the opportunity to grow in their faith, serve others, and allow God to use them. Gratitude for many people who came to know Christ for the first time through our ministry. Gratitude for so many unique and fun things that we got to experience together. Gratitude for the ways in which God provided for and protected all of us - each step of the journey.
I would like to end our summer updates with a few quotes, through the eyes of the students…
“During this trip, my prayers went from ‘I want’ to ‘Thank You for Your hand in this’. I thought more about the One who actually does it all, and began praying so much more - to ask but mostly in praise and gratefulness to God. “. (Student - age 18)
“This summer has helped me grow in knowledge of God and of His truths. God taught me that I am fully pleasing in His sight. Most importantly, that I am fully pleasing to Him - not because of what I do , but because of who I am. God loves me so much, just for being me.” (Student - age 17)
“I grew so much this summer in my spiritual life. I learned how to be in constant fellowship with my creator.” (Student - Age 18)
“I learned what it means to serve as an act of worship. I developed a desire to spend time with God, and in His Word. I am so excited to see in what ways I may serve back at home.”
(Student - Age 17)
And… now as I wake up on the plane and finish writing this - we are about an hour from landing in Chicago. And, its gratitude again for a safe trip home; and for how God will continue to shape and use all twenty-two of our amazing students!
Jeff Bell
Kenya Trip Leader
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