Dance Party? Last Official Ministry? Or Both?
Jeff Bell

Our time here in Kenya is winding down… we started our Debriefing (Preparation to return home) on Thursday morning. But then we jumped back into our last ministry opportunity on Thursday afternoon.
We had a chance to go back and visit the Treehouse Children’s Home once again for a second time!
After our first visit, the students wanted to donate to the needs of that ministry. We gave them an opportunity to contribute to an offering from their spending money. The offering was enough to cover a month of basic food needs and supplies for the home!
All of the team was very excited and could not wait for the opportunity to see the children again, and take the gifts to them!
The ministry there is about showing the children love and care, and having fun with them.
In our two hour visit - that took the form of a dance party to beat all dance parties!
Our students had such a great time leading all of the children in some of the dances we have learned with our DICE Ministry partners. They wore themselves out trying to keep up with the dancing abilities of the children.
Afterwards, we presented them with the food and supplies and prayed for them before leaving.
It was very hard for many of our students to leave - because they had grown so attached to the children.
That short visit to the Children’s home, will no doubt be a highlight for many of the students on the team!
We are so proud of each student on our team - they have embraced everything that we have given them, and several unforeseen circumstances with a grateful heart, and a gracious attitude. They have learned well, ministered effectively, and served diligently! Well done good and faithful servants of the Kenya Team.
Jeff Bell
Trip Leader
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