COVID-19 Alumni Contest
Kaila Yim

Yooooowhoooo. . . Alumni. . . Contest
The mission, if you choose to accept it is this (there are prizes): Hold a VIRTUAL (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangout … whatever!) meeting with your former Royal Servants team! We have alumni long sleeve t-shirts for the winner of each of the three categories:
1. The team with the most people in attendance.
2. The oldest team (can we get a team from the ’80s?!).
3. The team with the most states represented. And, if you’re in a country other than the US, that counts as double the points (c’mon all you Canadians)!
The person who initiates the virtual call is the one who will be awarded the prize. That means if you’re the initiator, you have to be the one to post the picture!
Here’s what we need from YOU:
1. Take a picture of your meeting and tag @royalservants on Instagram.
2. Include: (a) Your team, Trip leader, and year. (b) The number of people in attendance. (c) The number of states or countries represented.
The contest ends Monday April 27th, so be sure to get your submissions in before then!
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