1st Semester Student Quotes
Hannah Swanson

Our Fall 2017 semester has come to an end, and we thought it would be fun to show you what our students have been saying about Kairos during the last few months. These are quotes taken from their social media pages as well as from updates they have sent to family and friends.
“Gotta love the friends.”
“Pursuing God with this bunch has been a blessing. I can’t wait to see how God will use us throughout this year.”
“Through the time I have been at Kairos Discipleship School in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I have experienced growth on tremendous levels. God has truly been doing a work in my life here. I have learned many things such as Spiritual Disciplines, Prayer, Worship, and The Heart of God. Things that I once thought I knew [have been] radically shaped through the process of humbling myself and being teachable. As I continue this year, I will be reading books authored by very influential writers in the Christ-following community. I will be memorizing scriptures and passages because this is what we believe to be beneficial in our Christ-following walk - to disciple others with biblical facts behind our beliefs as well as growing in our relationship with God.”
“God is preparing me for a job that may very well be hard and uncomfortable, but he has been preparing me and equipping me with the ability to spread the gospel no matter where I go.”
“[Having] fun with the staff and other Kairos students. We've been learning so much. God is truly doing some great things, being challenged daily!”
“These guys are awesome. Love spending time with Godly men like these.”
“It has been three months since I landed in Minneapolis and started my program at Kairos, I’ve already learned so much. Whether it’s in the classroom or camping out or interning at church, Kairos has taught me a lot about God and what He’s doing in my life.”
“[I have been challenged through] being actively involved in my small group, being discipled one-on-one, and the day-to-day biblical teachings. I have been challenged to live a life fully surrendered to Christ. God has been prompting me to challenge my pre-established beliefs and to seek the Bible for the original content’s meaning. Another thing that God has been teaching me is that I need to be spiritually disciplined. Through silence and solitude with God, making a habit of reading my Bible every day, and being spiritually disciplined in fitness. I have learned to use my time wisely. The question that has come with this is, “Am I using every moment of every day to build God’s Kingdom?” I recognize how great of a calling this is, and I am learning that only by God’s strength and grace can this be fully accomplished.
I cannot think of a better word [than cultivated] to describe this season of life. God is refining me to be more like him and to live in humility, servitude, and grace through this eight month gap year program of intentionally growing and getting to know God intimately as my Father. He is refining me into who he wants me to be, not who I want to be. I have been learning that I cannot just believe what people are telling me, I need to back up my beliefs with facts. Researching the history and context to interpret the original meaning behind a Biblical passage is crucial in correctly understanding God’s Word. What a beautiful place it is when I am in the hands of God as His image bearer.
I have recently learned that the steadfast love of the Lord does not grow weary which has transformed the way I view myself and the people around me. As a Kairos class, we go on bike rides together, tour the city we live in, and we live as a family together. Kairos is fun and an answer to prayer because through this school, God is changing me. I get to experience missions further, intern at a local church and pour into the people there, and I get to be used by God in ways that I never could have imagined. Through the love of the Lord, I am changing to have an eternal mindset that impacts the way I live.”
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